Sunday, March 4, 2012

Would you like a Lemon ? No not that kind...

Hi my name is Aly and I'm a Lulu Lemon addict. Yes it's true, I have more of the latest Lemon styles then I do from Rag and Bone these days. What the heck has happened to me? I have always prided myself in sporting the latest trends, but the idea of comfort has come over me and its making me ill. I think I knew I had a problem when I chose not to wear my fabulous tuxedo Rag and Bone jeans and reached for Lulu for a lunch date. I feel like I'm cheating on my regulars! Do I have suburban mom tendencies?  I guess there's just something about that material that will suck in any human being post birth, post surgery or on any given fat girl day. You strategically place yourself into the fabric and nothing moves for hours. Your stomach can hang over, your top arms are covered, and you feel like a million bucks ( as you should since it costs enough). So shake what your mama gave ya, it's not going anywhere, I promise. Thank you Lulu, thank you.  

Feeling the hotness

Feeling the notness


  1. This pretty much sums it up- you captured it. Between this and your Flywheel post, we may kind of be the same person.

    1. Love it, Jenn. love your twitter, follow me on faceook View from the 30ish floor and on twitter at

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. look at omgirl on facebook - the stretchy pant meets rag and bone. you don't have to give up your fashionista roots to feel comfy and sucked in all day long!
