Saturday, March 10, 2012

4 Wait Lists And What Seems Like a Funeral...

I wore black for the occasion, not any black, it's my LF black sweater with holes running down the arms ( yes, holes that I paid a pretty penny for) with my AG black skinny cords. No wonder people wear black when you are in mourning, if you are going to feel that bad at least feel skinny, duh. You see, preschool is still in limbo. The wait lists didn't move as expected and Friday was a dark day in the land of the toddler world.  Cue, the sappy music.  All my mommy friends heard the latest , word spreads like wildfire across a city this large and a social scene this small. I knew this weekend when I bumped into my girls I would have to re hash the day to them.  The reaction has been as expected; It is as if someone has died and was taken from us too early. Upon first contact they say, "Awwww , Al,", a pause and either a hand hold or great big hug, followed by a motherly back pat. Then they say, " It's going to be OK, you will get through this, we love you and we are here for you".  I graciously nod my head and move on to the next friend on the playground or at Intermix that are paying their condolences. OK let's CUT the sad "gone straight to DVD" movie for one second. Yes, OK, I cried yesterday with my Bobbi Brown running down my face, and yes I keep thinking could I have done more and been a "better mother" ( whatever the heck that means) , BUT I also know if  my daughter was feeling this low I would have said it's OK to be sad and disappointed, but now it's time to pick yourself up, keep going and REFOCUS your energy. Because that's what we do in life, we keep looking forward.  Life goes on and things work out the way they should. So energy refocused. No more black today , I'm busting out my white LF sweater with arm holes running down the arm, ( maybe I do have it in more than 2 colors, so what?), I'm getting some 16 handles frozen yogurt and I'm adding $10 worth of cookie dough, damn it, because life is TOO SHORT to wallow in anything but a smile and some cookie dough...

The Lf Sweater in white on a happy
day, a tan day,  back to Rag and Bone jeans, of course,
 Florida 2012

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