Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fifty Shades of Poo

Stuck like glue on the bottom of my Bugaboo . For real ? Yes!  Why do the bold and the beautiful in NYC have a problem curbing their dogs ? Aren't dogs like your children? If my 2 year old did her business on the street corner would I leave it for the next child to sniff or the next mom to step in? Never! You pick it up. What's the song all the toddlers sing , " Clean up , clean up everybody everywhere!".  Some of us fancy New Yorkers could use a refresher of the basic nursery rhymes.  I'm pretty sure Christian Grey wouldn't approve of such behavior, actually I'll leave that to your own imagination. Oh , and if you don't know who Grey is you have been living under a rock for last 6 months...look it up...:)

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